Mainly three-dimensional monumental sculpture.
  Also works in commissions in relation to architecture and surroundings.
  Occasionally takes on figurative-works.
  Contemporary sculpture made out  of  steel, ceramic, wood and  stone.



1996  Stoneware ceramic dublicates by Phillip King which got exhibited in New York - USA.

1998    “Bus Stop” by Phillip King (coreten steel sculpture) commissioned by Ironbridge open air
 museum of steel sculpture in Coalbrookdale - England. 
1998    “ Sun Roots “ ( by Phillip King ) for the open air museum Kirischima - Japan. 
1999    Sun Roots fabrication in bronze for Good-wood sculpture park - England. 
2002    Column for the fountain of the community centre in Weissbach
 Salzburg - Austria. 
2003    Creating a fountain made out of marble for a restaurant called Auvogel in Salzburg. 
2004    Building an outdoor  sculpture called ”Sundial” made out of  steel and concrete for the Tauernradweg in Weissbach - Austria. 
2009    Construction of a metal crystal (by Friedrich Weissbacher / Nicole Waltl Piffer ) for the Salzburger-Hof  in Leogang - Austria. 
2010    Stonesculptures for the Salzburger-Wohnbau in Lofer - Austria. 
2013    Steelsculpture for the motorway rest area in Enns-south - Austria.
 Balustrade made out of  iron for the hotel Goldberg in Bad Hofgastein - Austria. 
2014    Granitstone-sculpture for the new kindergarden in Nebelschütz - Germany. 
2015    Stonesculpture for a private collector in St. Martin  (Schloss Grubhof) - Austria. 
2017    Covering one of the facade  with metal at the hotel Goldberg in Bad Hofgastein - Austria. 
2018    Steelsculpture and stonesculpture installation for Asfinag at the motorway rest area in Enns-south  A1 - Austria. 



 The heart of the matter is one of the most important aspects approaching new works. Once understood this fact, shape and size will  sculpt itself to one total piece 

Ram 2012

 Deep waters aren't shallow


 Creation of an aura in artworks requieres many careful thoughts of the artist

Some of my work is on a model scale, while others out of doors are rather big and monumental sculptures, made out of metal, stone or concrete


The cause and virtue of the beginning creates a notion, a sensation of sorts, an idea and the desire to act on it to do something with it 

little china

 I’m trained as a structural-engineer and worked together with architects and a number of sculptors from different countries. Some of those commission works went to Japan, China, USA and Europe